Do You Need a Frontline Financial Health Strategy?
Do you need a frontline financial health strategy? That was the topic of our thought-provoking webinar held with our panel of experts from Amazon, Financial Health Network, Mercer, and Brightside. Here are nine key takeaways they discussed that every employer with a frontline workforce needs to know. Click here to watch the full on-demand webinar. […]
10 Reasons Why Typical Financial Wellness Strategies Don’t Work for Frontline Employees
Frontline workers have different needs and barriers to achieving financial health and resilience. These are also the employees driving the most organizational cost in terms of turnover, healthcare utilization, missed work, and more. When you offer a solution specifically designed to improve frontline financial health, your employees’ financial lives improve, and you’ll see it reflected […]
How is Brightside Financial Care Different from Financial Education?
Finances are the leading cause of employee stress, and it costs both employees and employers. While financial illiteracy can contribute to financial stress, it isn’t the only issue at play – and it’s not the root cause. In fact, research shows that one-size-fits-all financial education only correlates to a 0.1% in behavior change. To improve […]
Brightside Selected as a 2023 LUMINARIES Award Winner by BenefitsPRO
Whether struggling to pay bills or save for the future, Brightside helps employees navigate financial situations in a way no other financial benefit can, with an outsized impact on marginalized communities SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20, 2023 — Brightside, the only Financial Care solution for employers, today announced that it has been named an honoree in […]
Why Financial Care is Critical to 401(k) Success
In 2022, Americans’ financial health declined for the first time in five years. Today, seven out of 10 Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Nearly half of Americans who earn $100,000+ a year live paycheck to paycheck, too. Their financial challenges aren’t due to a lack of employer concern for their financial wellbeing. (In fact, 97% […]
Straight from Brightside Customers: Why Fortune 500 Employers Offer Brightside Financial Care
With 70% of employees living paycheck to paycheck, it’s critical that employers find a way to effectively address and alleviate their financial stress. It has downstream impacts on every other aspect of an employee’s life, including health, happiness, workplace productivity, and job burnout. Financial health is even the biggest determinant of life expectancy. Many employers […]
Don’t Be Fooled by How the Pandemic Paradox Masked Financial Health Problems
The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread global economic chaos, complete with runs on toilet paper and headlines like “2020 Was the Worst Year for Economic Growth Since World War II.” Despite the dire circumstances, many households (on average) were doing better by a variety of financial measures. But benefits leaders need to be careful not to […]
The 2 Sneaky Ways Biased Business Models Hurt Employees
As a benefits leader, you’re in the business of expecting the best from people. But, as the saying goes: Expect the best, and prepare for the worst. During benefits buying season, that means getting prepared for the rock would-be point solutions vendors don’t want you to look under: where they have conflicts of interest with […]
How Overlooking Female Caregivers is Costing Employers
The trouble facing Americas’ (disproportionately female) caregivers is in the news: From careworker shortages to the rise of workers who support both children and aging parents. And that spells trouble for their employers: Lower retention and productivity, as well as DEI setbacks. Employers have increasingly stepped up to the plate with solutions like remote work […]